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‘开云(中国)Kaiyun·官方网站,开云(中国)Kaiyun’霸王龙 过来见见你的中国老表

2024-10-04 09:02 已有 人浏览 开云(中国)Kaiyun·官方网站,开云(中国)Kaiyun
本文摘要:Tyrannosaurus rex, meet your Chinese cousin.霸王龙,过来见见你的中国老表。

Tyrannosaurus rex, meet your Chinese cousin.霸王龙,过来见见你的中国老表。Researchers recently said that the remains of a long-nose tyrannosaurid species, the Qianzhousaurus sinensis, were found in southern China near the city of Ganzhou in Jiangxi province. The carnivore was probably alive during the late Cretaceous period, scientists say, some 66 million years ago.研究人员最近回应,华南地区江西赣州市附近找到了一种宽鼻子霸王龙――虔州龙的遗骨。科学家说道,这种食肉动物有可能存活在约6,600万年之前的白垩纪晚期。The news has captured global headlines, especially given the vividness of the new critters nickname, the Pinocchio Rex, after its big nose. The news also raised hope among scientists that it might help them better understand the history of Asias predatory, long-snouted dinosaurs.图为艺术家做到的效果图,图中是两只虔州龙在猎食。

消息引发了全球媒体的注目,更何况这一新发现物种还因为它的大鼻子取得了一个生动的绰号:匹诺曹霸王龙。消息还引发科学家的期望:它也许不会协助他们更佳地解读亚洲食者食性宽鼻子恐龙的历史。According to University of Chicago paleontologist Paul Sereno, the world is in the middle of a renaissance in dinosaur discovery, with China helping lead that charge. By some estimates in recent years, a new dinosaur is named on average every two weeks.据芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)古生物学家保罗里斯雷诺(Paul Sereno)说道,世界正处于恐龙找到的“兴起期”,中国等国正处于前沿。据近些年的一些估算,平均值每两个星期就有一种新的恐龙被命名。

Such a renaissance, Mr. Sereno says, is being driven by increased searching and increased knowledge and awareness about fossils by the public, especially in places like the countryside in China and the U.S. In the same week that the Pinocchio Rex was announced, a new early bird dinosaur from China was also named, says Philip D. Mannion, a junior research fellow at the Imperial College London with expertise in sauropod dinosaurs.里斯雷诺说道,这场兴起背后的一个推展力量,是“搜寻工作减少,以及公众对化石的科学知识和了解减少,特别是在中国和美国的乡村地区”。伦敦帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)专攻蜥脚类恐龙的初级研究员菲利浦曼尼恩(Philip D. Mannion)说道,在“匹诺曹霸王龙”发布的同一个星期,一种来自中国的早期鸟类恐龙也被命名。Globally, T-rex -- along with brontosaurus, stegosaurus and triceratops -- may be the best-known dinosaurs out there, and no surprise. As Mr. Mannion says, most such A-list dinosaurs were discovered in North America in the late 19th century or early 20th century and had some of the earliest quality mounted specimens, which quickly gave them a latch on the public imagination. (Though England had previously launched displays of dinosaurs in the 1850s, they were often, at best, fanciful in their approach toward science.)2013年10月,中国香港,香港科学馆(Hong Kong Science Museum)门外展览一具炳灵大夏巨龙的模型。

在世界范围内,霸王龙――以及雷龙、剑龙和三角龙――有可能是最著名的已找到恐龙,这并不令人怪异。正如曼尼恩所说,大部分这类最重要恐龙都是19世纪末20世纪初在北美找到的,并被制成第一批优质标本架标本,迅速俘虏公众的想象。(虽然英国在之前的19世纪50年代就曾举行恐龙展出,但在科学方法上,这些展出经常充其量也只是幻想。)As China continues to discover ever more dinosaurs, heres a quick list of some that you might not have learned about as a child--a sort of Peoples History of Dinosaurs, Part I, if you will:鉴于中国找到的恐龙更加多,下面非常简单所列一些你在童年时期有可能没听闻过的恐龙,难免称作“人民恐龙史:第一章”吧:The Zizhongosaurus, discovered in Sichuans Zizhong county, meaning lizard from Zizhong: a large-bodied, long-necked herbivorous dinosaur.资中龙(Zizhongosaurus),找到于四川省资中县,意思是“来自资中的龙”,是一种大体型、宽脖子的食草恐龙。

The Chungkingosaurus, found near modern Chongqing (which used to be spelled Chungking), and resembles a stegosaurus, with a spiky, plated back.重庆龙(Chungkingosaurus),找到于现代重庆的附近,背上有钉子和甲片,形如剑龙。The Lanzhousaurus, an herbivore with unusually large teeth, discovered in the northwest Gansu region in 2003.兰州龙(Lanzhousaurus),食草动物,牙齿不一般的长,2003年找到于西北的甘肃地区。

The Xiaosaurus, or dawn lizard, a swift runner and sharp-clawed herbivore from whats today Sichuan province, discovered in excavations that began in 1979.晓龙(Xiaosaurus),意思是拂晓时的龙,运球很快,爪子尖利。这种食草恐龙来自今天的四川省,是在1979年开始的考古过程中找到的。

Then theres the Xinjiangovenator, meaning Xinjiang hunting dinosaur, an Early Cretaceous creature that was established as a new species in 2005 and whose name would sound especially good in a kids book. (No relation to this Governator.)然后还有新疆猎龙(Xinjiangovenator),为白垩纪早期生物,2005年被证实为一种新物种,要是放到童书里面,它的名字将不会尤其难听。(跟“州长侠”(Governator)没关系。

)For dinosaur hunters, China -- with its vast areas of countryside, much of it being excavated for development -- offers some of the worlds best prospects. In the case of the so-called Pinocchio Rex, it was discovered by some workers digging a new industrial park. (Its not just dinosaurs, either: a man recently stumbled on a Song dynasty relic after relieving himself on the side of a road.)在找寻恐龙的人显然,中国享有极大的乡村地区,很多地区又在为了发展而开凿,所以享有世界上找到恐龙的最差前景。匹诺曹霸王龙就是一些工人在一个新的工业园开凿的时候找到的。(某种程度不只是恐龙:一名男子前不久在路边便利的时候无意间找到了一处宋代遗迹。

)Though Chinas exploration of its dinosaur past has mostly boomed in the past two decades, Mr. Mannion says it has quickly caught up to North America in terms of numbers of species being discovered. Its not as well sampled as North America, but despite a shorter time in study, its getting to a similar number of species in North America -- its at least rivaling it, he says. He cites places such as northeastern Chinas Liaoning province as having some particularly good instances of preserved fossils, adding that such fossilized feather discoveries have helped scientists make key breakthroughs in their understanding of the origin of both feathers and birds.曼尼恩说道,虽然中国对其恐龙化石的勘查主要兴旺于过去20年,但在找到物种数量方面,它早已很快跟上北美。他说道:“其标本制作追不上北美,但是,尽管研究时间更加较短,找到的物种却与北美相似,最少是平起平坐。”他说道,中国东北辽宁省等地享有一些尤其不俗的留存完好无损的化石,而且这类化石羽毛的找到早已协助科学家在解读羽毛及鸟类起源方面获得了关键性的突破。So in the future, rather than My T-Rex Has a Toothache, maybe authors will be writing things like My Xiaosaurus Has a Stomachache, instead. Lulu and the Lanzhousaurus has a pretty good ring, too.所以在将来,童书作者有可能就仍然写出《我的霸王龙牙齿痛》(My T-Rex Has a Toothache),而是写出《我的晓龙肚子痛》了,《菈饲雷龙》(Lulu and the Brontosaurus)变为《菈饲兰州龙》,听得一起也是很带感的。

