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2024-09-27 09:02 已有 人浏览 开云(中国)Kaiyun·官方网站,开云(中国)Kaiyun
本文摘要:A company claims to have found the ideal product to help travellers counter the ill effects of jet lag and long-haul flights.因为倒时差和长途飞行困倦深感?

A company claims to have found the ideal product to help travellers counter the ill effects of jet lag and long-haul flights.因为倒时差和长途飞行困倦深感?一家公司近期发明者的鸵鸟枕沦为协助长途旅行者的理想产品。The Ostrich Pillow is a new portable device that its inventors say will enable power naps anytime, anywhere, including in airport lounges and on planes.鸵鸟吊是一款新式便携枕头,发明者说道,这将使人们不管在何时何地都能大睡觉兹睡觉,比如在候机大厅和飞机上。Stuffed with synthetic material – for maximum performance and lightness, according to its inventors – the distinctive-looking pillow has a hole in which to put your head, and a mouth hole designed to allow its wearer to breathe easily. It also has two side holes where you can store your hands – if napping at a table in a library, for example.据发明者讲解,这种枕头里面填满的都是制备材料,使其在最轻盈的状态下超过性能最大化。

造型独有的鸵鸟吊有一个圆孔可以脖子套进去,另外还有一个露嘴孔,以便让使用者自如排便。枕头还有两个边孔,如果躺在图书馆的桌子上小憩,使用者就可以夹住伸进去。The concept was developed by Kawamura-Ganjavian, an architecture and design studio with offices in Madrid and Lausanne.这种设计理念是由Kawamura-Ganjavian建筑和设计工作室明确提出的,该工作室在马德里和洛桑都另设办公室。

Among other products, the company has also been responsible for developing the ear shell (a sound enhancing device that is attached to the ear), and a solar plug for charging portable computers.该公司还研制过耳壳(戴着在耳朵上强化音效的设备),以及为笔记本电脑电池的太阳能插头。The Ostrich Pillow has been described on the technology web site CNET as like a giant garden squash gone soft, while another reviewer for the Digital Trends website wrote: We can only wonder how the pillow holds up on sweat and heat retention.在科技网站CNET上,这款枕头被叙述为软绵绵的大南瓜。Digital Trends网站的另一名网友写到:我们只是奇怪这种枕头能否排泄汗液,以及如何风扇。Its creators argue that it genuinely works, saying: We have tried it in airports, trains, aeroplanes, libraries, at the office, on a sofa and even on the floor and its really wonderful.设计者认为,这款枕头的确很好用,他们说道:我们在机场、火车、飞机、图书馆、办公室、沙发、甚至在地板上都做到过实验,这种枕头知道有趣。

The Ostrich Pillow will go into production if its fundraising targets are met. The company is currently trying to collect $70,000 on Kickstarter, a funding website for creative business ideas. The tally of pledges so far is slightly more than $35,000 with 23 days remaining.如果需要构建筹款目标,鸵鸟吊将投入生产。这家公司目前于是以尝试在专门创新商机募资的Kickstarter网站筹款7万美元。目前在该网站的筹款累计日期还有23天,已筹集资金略高于3.5万美元。

